Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Christmas Carol 175 years

The tangible world encroaches on the ether world and has for aeons.  Perhaps more specifically, at the juxtapositions of the world and the mind,  ghosts do tread and sometimes not lightly.

My better half just joyously told me today was the anniversary of Charles Dickens' publishing of A Christmas Carol.

As I sat down at my computer the BBC's post of  A Christmas Carol   was in front of me.  It was not just the anniversary, it was the 175th anniversary:

And in that moment, words from a book I read last February spoke to me, again.  Charles Dickens was acquainted with  Lady Ada Lovelace.    Dickens met Lovelace through Charles Babbage in the 1830s.  They were friends until her death in 1852.

That better half had just blogged  A Christmas Carol for Adafruit.  Ah, yes spirits listen and speak.

Enchantress of Numbers by  Jennifer Chiaverini  an excellent book.  I had a rough start with it, as understanding a prodigious child is quite overwhelming.  But the book intrigued me deeply as I wandered through it. As it ended I was  thinking and wondering much about our recent and incredible advances through a world that Lady Ada had conceptualized long ago. 

Then on a trip that day to Barnes and Noble I picked up Mr. Dickens and His Carol  by Samantha Silva out of Idaho, first novel.  Lovely book so far, I am very much enjoying it.

For further enjoyment of  Mr Dickens' Carol,  I share this from Nerdist's posting.