The epic storm hitting Alaska isn't the turmoil I had in mind. However, it is indicative of the turmoil that is stealing quietly into many minds these days.
Everyone seems to be flattening themselves down, as if a huge storm is approaching. Storms of society, the various financial and societal issues, education costs, job losses, financial strifes of various countries, cultural turmoil is what it seems to be.
People are even starting to discuss the "feeling", some kind of like waiting for a shoe to drop...where the heck did that one come from?
Italy, for Europe may be the shoe to drop. I feel for Papandreou as he was just trying to find an out,*hear me out* an out so that they would all realize either they buy in with the austerity measures, which given the protests they were NOT... but when you have to vote and put your name behind it.... then you have to think and plan and not just be wishful thinking.
These kids have been going to school and looking forward to being part of society and look, no jobs. Look they are living at home. There are NO youth jobs in Europe outside of a family business. Every job is part of the "system" full benefits, etc. No one gets a barely minimum wage job.
I wish some program would hit all of this and explain BETTER for the rest of the world what the situation is over there. And, how as one Greek writer called it, that Greece is the canary in the mine... not the odd one out.